Tip #768   Stream shell commands to Twitter

When I read the tip yesterday (Twitter from the terminal), I thought it would be fun to set something up to tweet all the commands I enter. After a bit of playing around I have come up with the following:

First you'll need to create a script, it doesn't matter what you call it, just remember the name and path to it for later.

read MSG
echo $MSG > characters
length=$(wc -c characters | sed 's/^[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)[^0-9]*$/\1/')
if [ $length -le 140 ]; then
  wget -q --keep-session-cookies --http-user=YOURUSER --http-password=YOURPASS \
    --post-data="status=$MSG" \

You'll need to replace YOURUSER and YOURPASS as appropriate, and if you prefer to use identi.ca then change the twitter url to https://identi.ca/api/statuses/update.xml

Next run the following command, changing details at the end for the script you just created (note this does require you to use bash):

export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo "$(history 1)" | sed "s/^ *[0-9]* *//" | /path/to/script.sh'

Now every command you type will be sent to twitter! To turn this off, just run "export PROMPT_COMMAND=''" or logoff. Of course this isn't really a good idea to do all the time, though it is fun! Also remember that Twitter will block accounts that post over 100 updates per hour.

An example of the results can be seen here: https://twitter.com/ShellStream