Tip #365 Ask questions, get answers, do something...
This a dialog script that asks the user a couple of questions and then does something with the answers.It was something quick and dirty to accomplish a task I needed.
# This piece asks a question and stores the answer in a buffer file. dialog --inputbox "Enter the hostname or IP of the SCS device you want to connect to..." 10 60 2>/home/SCS/out/server # This was another piece of information that I needed to accomplish the task I needed. dialog --inputbox "Enter the port on the SCS device that you want to connect to" 10 60 2>/home/SCS/out/port # Here is where i set my variables with the buffer files from above. SERVER=`cat /home/SCS/out/server` PORT=`cat /home/SCS/out/port` # This was just a piece to help me make sure my variable were set right. # I often write in escape route in my scripts so that i can test them without blowing stuff up. echo "You will now be transported to $SERVER on port $PORT." # Here I give myself 5 seconds to ctrl +c the script. sleep 5 #and finally the action to take with the answers from above. ssh $SERVER -t -t connect $PORT
- dialog
alias aptitude at awk bash bc cal cat cd colrm comm cp csh curl cut date dd df dialog diff dirname dpkg du fc find fuser grep gs gzip history iconv kill ksh last less ln ls lsof lynx m4 md5sum mkdir mkfifo mkisofs mv mysql nc netstat openssl OSX perl ping popd ps pushd python read redirection rm scp screen sed sort ssh stat sudo svn tail tar tee test top tr uniq vim wc wget xargs