Tip #740 Incremental backup with tar
The tar command can be used to make a quick incremental backup as follows:Read more »
- tar
Tip #492 Moving large directories
Why not use cp or mv to move /usr/home to /storage/export/home? Weird things happen to hard and softlinks when you mv or cp. Try it and remember that a mv between different filesystems is actually a copy and delete.Try this instead: Read more »
- tar
Tip #375 Bash function to decompress archives
From dotfiles.org; original author unknown:Read more »
Tip #362 Tar remote dir over SSH
If you work on remote boxes a lot, you ll probably need a to backup a directory from there onto your machine sooner or later.. This can easilly be done using ssh & tar; all in 1 line of (script friendly) code:Read more »
Tip #208 Pipe files to an archive
If you want to select specifically the files to add to an archive you can pipe the output from find (or any command that gives a list of files) to cpio:Read more »
Tip #34 A gziped tarball, when the z in "tar czf" is not available
- tar
Tip #44 Using tar with other compression formats
GNU tar comes with native support for gzip, bzip2, and compress (adaptive LZ, LZW). However, many other useful compression algorithms exist, but most implementations of them don't support all the file system metadata that tar does. There are two general methods to using tar with arbitrary compression programs: via an option in tar itself and via piping. The first:Read more »
Tip #78 network copy with ssh and tar
You can use ssh in conjunction with tar to pull an entire directory tree from a remote machine into your current directory:ssh <username@sourcehost> tar cf - -C <sourcedir> . | tar xvf -
For example, let's say you have a "bsmith" account on a host called "apple". You want to copy those files into your "bobsmith" account on a host called "pear". You'd log into your "bobsmith@pear" account and type the following:
ssh bsmith@apple tar cf - -C /home/bsmith . | tar xvf -
This technique is useful when you have insufficient disk space on the source machine to make an intermediate tarball. Read more »
- tar
- redirection
alias aptitude at awk bash bc cal cat cd colrm comm cp csh curl cut date dd df dialog diff dirname dpkg du fc find fuser grep gs gzip history iconv kill ksh last less ln ls lsof lynx m4 md5sum mkdir mkfifo mkisofs mv mysql nc netstat openssl OSX perl ping popd ps pushd python read redirection rm scp screen sed sort ssh stat sudo svn tail tar tee test top tr uniq vim wc wget xargs