Tip #139
Selected Bash Keystrokes:Ctrl-U - Cuts everything to the left
Ctrl-W - Cuts the word to the left
Ctrl-Y - Pastes what's in the buffer
Ctrl-A - Go to beginning of line
Ctrl-E - Go to end of line Read more »
- bash
Tip #4 Make a whole directory tree with one command
Use the -p option to mkdir and make all parent directories along with their children in a single command.Read more »
- mkdir
Tip #375 Bash function to decompress archives
From dotfiles.org; original author unknown:Read more »
Tip #267 Remote network restart
I guess anyone who's administered several remote boxes has had the unfortunate problem of (when not thinking straight) taking down the network card on a machine you have no physical access to. The result being that the ssh session you used to connect dies. The typical mistake is to do something like (as root):Read more »
Tip #118 Use ALT+. to insert last parameter
In bash (or anything using libreadline, such as mysql) press ALT+. to insert the last used parameter from the previous line.Eg:
$ vim some/file.c
$ svn commit
Read more »
- svn
Tip #871 Ignore an alias
A '\' mark before a command will ignore aliases. For example, you have aliasRead more »
- alias
Tip #248 Using FIFOs
If you want to tail the errors on another terminal, just push them to a fifo:Read more »
- mkfifo
Tip #232 Deleting difficult filenames
To delete a file who's file name is a pain to define (eg. ^H^H^H) find it's inode number with the command "ls -il". Use the line below to find and delete the file.Read more »
alias aptitude at awk bash bc cal cat cd colrm comm cp csh curl cut date dd df dialog diff dirname dpkg du fc find fuser grep gs gzip history iconv kill ksh last less ln ls lsof lynx m4 md5sum mkdir mkfifo mkisofs mv mysql nc netstat openssl OSX perl ping popd ps pushd python read redirection rm scp screen sed sort ssh stat sudo svn tail tar tee test top tr uniq vim wc wget xargs