Tip #882 Find last modified files on a filesystem
To find the last modified files in a directory you can use ls -ltr. To find the last modified file on a file system it will not work, but the following command will work:Read more »
Tip #850 Checksum directory recursively
Do a sha256sum of an entire directory name directory and check for integrity.Modifying the IFS variable is necessary for filename with space.
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Tip #836 Find symbolic links
Use this command to find all the links in the current directory and belowRead more »
Tip #824 List only the files that have been updated today.
Use this command to list files that have been updated today in the current directory.Read more »
Tip #823 Remove DS_Store files from shared folders
.DS_Store files are a hidden file created by OS X to store custom attributes of a folder such as the position of icons or the choice of a background image. By default, they are created in every folder accessed, even folders on remote systems (for example, folders shared over an SMB or AFP connection). This can soon leave your shared folders littered with these files.The command below will remove all DS_Store files from the current directory and any sub directories.
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Tip #796 Find files by mime-type
Use this command to find files of a given mime-type. For example to find all PNG images in a directory or below:Read more »
- find
Tip #680 Find and remove core files
Use this to find core files and remove them:Read more »
- find
alias aptitude at awk bash bc cal cat cd colrm comm cp csh curl cut date dd df dialog diff dirname dpkg du fc find fuser grep gs gzip history iconv kill ksh last less ln ls lsof lynx m4 md5sum mkdir mkfifo mkisofs mv mysql nc netstat openssl OSX perl ping popd ps pushd python read redirection rm scp screen sed sort ssh stat sudo svn tail tar tee test top tr uniq vim wc wget xargs